It’s difficult to write about creating sustainable habits (and go about day-to-day-life for that matter) when the world is grieving for lost lives in the wake of a horrendous natural disaster, scrambling to pick up broken pieces at the source as well as waiting in anticipation for the worse that may still be yet to come.
I’m talking earthquake, tsunami… and the threat of nuclear meltdown.
Then I came upon this little FB post from a fan page I follow:
Which made me think, ‘Yeah, you're right, it can’t be clean if it gives your cancer; so why are we ok with fueling our lives using stuff that gives us cancer?’
Though we’re not all scientists, engineers and physicists, we are still some mighty powerful people that share this place we call earth. And until we start demanding – I mean really making a fuss for – truly clean, renewable, sustainable energy, we will continue to face an eventual need to pop iodine pills and pull out that nuclear suit gathering dust in the hall closet.
One of the most tangible and fairly immediate ways, I believe, to begin removing ourselves from the grasp of filthy fuels is to go:
But it’s expensive. Involved. Complicated. Confusing. Overwhelming. Unattractive. Slow to return.
Yeah, maybe. But it beats cancer.
If you’re in the market for solar, (hell, if you’re just thinking about considering being in the market for solar) you might take a look at these guys…
One Block Off the Grid leverages the power in numbers to negotiate solar group discounts for interested homeowners. Advisers help explain the process and guide you along the way.
Wait a minute. I’m not the expert here. I’ll let them do the explaining.
Note: Think solar’s boring? Does anticipation of technical terms to come drive you to dreamland? Well this video isn’t short on humor and it won’t make you sleepy. Take five minutes to learn something new and giggle along the way. You deserve it.
there will be a day when we have no choice but to go solar! the only question is will it be to late...